April 24, 2009

Marathon Monday

I may play a lot of ultimate these days, but given a choice between competitive Track and Field and competitive Ultimate Frisbee, I would pick track every time. Four years on the track team at RPI when they also had a great ultimate club team is proof of that. Despite that focus on running, though, one thing I will unlikely ever do is run a marathon. I don't care what people say about what it does to your joints and knees and bones; if you love running marathons, you should run marathons. I can only imagine the euphoria that must come with conquering a race of that magnitude.

With that said, this post is a special shout-out to Katy, my fiancé and favorite person in the world who for the second year in a row completed the Boston Marathon as part of the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team. A few highlights:
  • Katy finished the race in 5:51:43 against a stiff, chilly headwind!
  • She's still raising money and is close to reaching her goal of $10,000 raised in support of cancer research for Dana-Farber.
  • She's been blogging about her training and experiences, and could really use any additional help in reaching her fundraising goal.
  • The photo to the left is Katy preparing her gear for the race the night before.
  • She reports that as of today, she can almost walk down stairs without being scolded by her quadricep muscles!
Having personally witnessed the sweat and blood that Katy has poured into this program over the past two years, I can honestly say that I've acquired a new appreciation for all of the people who are connected to these types of efforts, and sympathy for those who are affected by it. From training to organizing countless fundraising events to interacting with young cancer patients, Katy has done it all and has had an impact on many because of it. Consider this sentence a standing ovation from one "ultimate" geek. And Katy, when you read this, lots of love from your proud fiancé.

1 comment :

  1. This is the nicest thing you've ever said, Owen! :) ... Thank you for this and lots of love to you too! :)
