Friday September 26, 2008
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 60 F, Pouring rain
Field: wet
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
We only had four show up for today's game in monsoon-like conditions so we decided to play Double Disc Court. I had never played before but it was pretty fun.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 103
Total Hours Played: 119
September 26, 2008
September 24, 2008
Ultimate Chuck
Wednesday September 24, 2008
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 65 F, Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Inspired by my post yesterday, here are a few tidbits that I just came up with:
Comments welcome.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 102
Total Hours Played: 118
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 65 F, Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Inspired by my post yesterday, here are a few tidbits that I just came up with:
- Chuck Norris can throw a full field huck with no spin.
- Chuck Norris doesn't need to layout, he stares down the frisbee until it comes to him.
- Chuck Norris doesn't throw hammers, he throws punches.
- Chuck Norris can play a three-person cup by himself.
- Chuck Norris doesn't need to make cuts to get open, he roundhouse kicks his defenders instead.
Comments welcome.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 102
Total Hours Played: 118
Ultimate Update
Monday September 22, 2008
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 60 F, Cloudy
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Just keeping up to date with my Ultimate posts.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 101
Total Hours Played: 117
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 60 F, Cloudy
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Just keeping up to date with my Ultimate posts.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 101
Total Hours Played: 117
September 23, 2008
Project Snowman: Lessons Learned
Now that the fun is over, though, it's time to take a step back and make some observations. What did we notice when developing this game? What did we do right? What did we do wrong? What advice can we give to help others trying to build a game with Project Darkstar? Here's my best shot:
- HOLY CRAP! Developing a game with Project Darkstar is easy! Ok, well, maybe that's a little bit over the top. The truth is, though, Project Darkstar does a lot of things under the hood that normally a developer would have to think about and implement on her own (see the slides from my presentation at Austin GDC). Before I joined the effort in late July/early August, most of the work up to that point had been done by Yi on the client side. Animations, graphics, and building the client around JMonkeyEngine is where he had spent most of his time since starting as an intern at the beginning of the summer. Very little work had been done on the server side. A couple weeks later? We had a nearly feature complete and mostly unit-tested server side Project Snowman application. This is no hyperbole or exaggeration either, that's really how the timeline worked out.
- Chuck Norris doesn't depend on external libraries, external libraries depend on him. This is actually true.
- You should develop a client simulator early on. From the beginning, this project was meant to serve as a demo for Austin GDC. Therefore, we knew right off the bat that we would need some way to simulate a large amount of load on the server. We built a headless client that simulated typical client actions and not only did it prove valuable for testing, but it's also something that should be written for basically any Project Darkstar based game.
- Chuck Norris can simulate maximum load on a server using only his fists and without boiling his blood. I've seen it done.
- Plan to spend a lot of time tracking down performance bottlenecks and contention problems. While we were able to get a working game running in relatively short order, we quickly began noticing scalability problems and almost all of these problems were related to contention in some way. For example, one of the first contention issues we ran into was related to the AI snowmen that we introduced into the game. When the game started, the first thing that one of these snowmen did was loop through all of the game information (including all of the other snowmen and the flags) to determine who it should attack and where its opponent's flag is. On the surface, this sounds reasonable as it's just acquiring all of this information for reading. However, since the other AI snowmen were doing the same thing at the same time, each of them were attempting to acquire write locks on themselves. When the number of snowmen in a game was increased significantly, we were seeing pathological deadlock scenarios during game startup.
- Code written by Chuck Norris never has any performance bottlenecks. Little known fact.
- Built-in Project Darkstar profiling tools can prove to be extremely valuable. One of the most difficult things when working with a complex system like this is establishing clear ways to quantify performance. Fortunately, Project Darkstar has built in profiling capabilities that give you real-time feedback in terms of what the system is doing and how well it is handling the load. Seth has written a good blog post which can help you get started working with these profilers. In our experience, the most useful numbers were given by the SnapshotProfileOpListener which periodically output the number of attempted tasks, the number of successful tasks, and the average task queue size over 10 second intervals. This gave us a simple metric to be able to quickly determine whether the system is keeping up (the queue size remains small), and whether there is a lot of contention in the system (a high task failure rate is indicative of high contention). Another useful tool was the SnapshotTaskListener. Using it we could quickly determine which tasks were failing giving us better insight with regards to where contention is happening in the system.
- Chuck Norris doesn't need profiling tools. He stares down the server until the profiling data comes to him. There's a rumor that he took on ten servers in a multi-node deployment simultaneously.
- There is clearly a need for some type of Project Darkstar application test rig. Despite the fact that we were able to track down a lot of performance problems and contention issues using the built-in profilers, it was clear that a lot of the work required to setup and run these tests was highly mechanical and error-prone. Not only that, but without very careful record keeping, it was often difficult to keep track of what results came out of what conditions and whether or not certain changes helped or hindered the performance of the system. Most of our tests were setup in a very ad-hoc way and a framework that could consistently and automatically repeat our tests and give definitive results would prove monumentally useful. (Fortunately, this is on my to-do list).
- Chuck Norris doesn't test his code. It always works because he tells it to. This would also make things easier for us.
- Scalable data structures will likely be useful in almost any Project Darkstar game/application. Another problem that we faced was an issue with logins. In order to introduce a considerable load into the system, we needed to login a large number of clients in a short amount of time. However, this quickly became a problem. Our original implementation to handle logins simply added incoming players to a waiting queue to be asynchronously processed and matched into a game later. However, since there was a single queue, simultaneously adding a large number of players to the back while also removing players off the front created a massive amount of contention on the one queue object. How did we solve this? With David's ScalableDeque available in the package. The ScalableDeque allows for concurrent modification by allowing simultaneously writers on both the front and the back of the deque. We provided virtual support for multiple writers on each end by using an array of ScalableDeques. See the code for more insight on what we actually did. (Clearly this is something that could be generalized as a standalone utility. Add one to the to-do list.)
- Chuck Norris can concurrently modify any data structure with no contention. Convenient.
- Be careful of the AppContext temptation. If you're familiar with the Project Darkstar API, you know that access to the core Project Darkstar services is given through Manager objects. These Managers are acquired directly from the Project Darkstar stack by making static method calls against the class. Why is this important? Well in my experience with code written against this API, I've noticed that there is a strong tendency to litter your application with direct calls to AppContext.getDataManager() or AppContext.getTaskManager(), etc. Why is this a problem? It tightly couples just about all of your classes with the static, unchangeable AppContext class of the core Project Darkstar API. This makes it extremely difficult to isolate your individual classes from the rest of the system for unit testing purposes. Now this can be worked around by making judicious use of the AppContext method calls and by being explicit in defining each class's dependencies. However, I would like to see this taken one step further and provide an alternative means of acquiring Managers from the Project Darkstar stack without relying on so many static method calls (another one for the to-do list).
- Chuck Norris doesn't need Project Darkstar, he can roundhouse kick a piece of Java code into a complete MMORPG in 2.4 seconds. Just wait until version 1.0 though. By then even Chuck Norris will be using Project Darkstar.
Project Darkstar
September 21, 2008
Ultimate Hundred
Sunday September 21, 2008
10AM BUDA Fall Hat League Game
Fernald School, Waltham, MA
Weather: 65 F, Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
After two weeks of rained out games, the BUDA fall hat league finally got under way today. We lost a close one in our first game, but nevertheless it looks like we're going to have a good team for the fall.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 100
Total Hours Played: 116
10AM BUDA Fall Hat League Game
Fernald School, Waltham, MA
Weather: 65 F, Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
After two weeks of rained out games, the BUDA fall hat league finally got under way today. We lost a close one in our first game, but nevertheless it looks like we're going to have a good team for the fall.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 100
Total Hours Played: 116
Ultimate Fall
Friday September 19, 2008
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 54 F, Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
First game back from Austin and fall has definitely arrived.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 99
Total Hours Played: 114
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 54 F, Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
First game back from Austin and fall has definitely arrived.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 99
Total Hours Played: 114
September 19, 2008
Ultimate Austin
Wednesday September 17, 2008
6:30PM Pick-up game
Riverside Dr Field, Austin, TX
Weather: 88 F, Mostly Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Yesterday I returned from the Project Darkstar team's visit to the Austin Game Developer's Conference. It was a great show and most of the people I talked to (from small independent game developers to big name companies like EA and Sony to college professors and students) seemed genuinely interested in exploring what Project Darkstar can do for them. Highlights of the week included my well received talk on Project Darkstar during the Sun sponsored open source day, the many hours of talking to people on the expo floor about Darkstar and the Project Snowman demo, and Karl and David playing a gig on the guitar and bass during open mic night at a local bar. The real highlight of the week though? Yes. Ultimate Frisbee.
On Sunday night, the first night after we all arrived, some of us were hanging out at the sports bar downstairs in the hotel. Somehow the fact that Keith, David, and I regularly play ultimate at lunchtime came up during conversation, and Mike, one of our Bay Area team members was immediately interested. He used to play ultimate years ago, and decided that we should all play at some point during the trip. Now, I was all for it. In fact, before flying out to Austin I had looked up potential Austin games on UPA's pickup listings website. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be any that would coincide with our schedule. This didn't matter to Mike, though. He said he was going to get a game organized from the people we had. By Wednesday evening, he had scrounged up six people for a small game, he had walked twenty blocks to buy a disc, and he had scouted out a field for us to play.
So on Wednesday after the show ended those interested in playing trekked down to the field and to our surprise, there was a large group of people throwing frisbees around and getting ready to play a game! In fact, there were so many people there that we had enough to play two full 7v7 games. Whatever game this was it wasn't listed on the UPA website or perhaps the field was moved. Nevertheless, it was great luck and it was good to get some ultimate in. The only problem for me was that I didn't come to Austin prepared with the proper footwear and was stuck playing in my walking sneakers. After standing on the expo floor for the majority of the three days prior, my achilles were really aching (and still are today). Hopefully that will clear up soon.
In any case, it was a great trip and great to play some ultimate down in Austin.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 98
Total Hours Played: 113
6:30PM Pick-up game
Riverside Dr Field, Austin, TX
Weather: 88 F, Mostly Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Yesterday I returned from the Project Darkstar team's visit to the Austin Game Developer's Conference. It was a great show and most of the people I talked to (from small independent game developers to big name companies like EA and Sony to college professors and students) seemed genuinely interested in exploring what Project Darkstar can do for them. Highlights of the week included my well received talk on Project Darkstar during the Sun sponsored open source day, the many hours of talking to people on the expo floor about Darkstar and the Project Snowman demo, and Karl and David playing a gig on the guitar and bass during open mic night at a local bar. The real highlight of the week though? Yes. Ultimate Frisbee.
On Sunday night, the first night after we all arrived, some of us were hanging out at the sports bar downstairs in the hotel. Somehow the fact that Keith, David, and I regularly play ultimate at lunchtime came up during conversation, and Mike, one of our Bay Area team members was immediately interested. He used to play ultimate years ago, and decided that we should all play at some point during the trip. Now, I was all for it. In fact, before flying out to Austin I had looked up potential Austin games on UPA's pickup listings website. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be any that would coincide with our schedule. This didn't matter to Mike, though. He said he was going to get a game organized from the people we had. By Wednesday evening, he had scrounged up six people for a small game, he had walked twenty blocks to buy a disc, and he had scouted out a field for us to play.
So on Wednesday after the show ended those interested in playing trekked down to the field and to our surprise, there was a large group of people throwing frisbees around and getting ready to play a game! In fact, there were so many people there that we had enough to play two full 7v7 games. Whatever game this was it wasn't listed on the UPA website or perhaps the field was moved. Nevertheless, it was great luck and it was good to get some ultimate in. The only problem for me was that I didn't come to Austin prepared with the proper footwear and was stuck playing in my walking sneakers. After standing on the expo floor for the majority of the three days prior, my achilles were really aching (and still are today). Hopefully that will clear up soon.
In any case, it was a great trip and great to play some ultimate down in Austin.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 98
Total Hours Played: 113
Project Darkstar
Ultimate Wednesday
Wednesday September 10, 2008
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 80 F, Partly Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Catching up with my ultimate posts.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 96
Total Hours Played: 111
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 80 F, Partly Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Catching up with my ultimate posts.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 96
Total Hours Played: 111
Ultimate Catchup
Monday September 8, 2008
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 80 F, Partly Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Catching up with my ultimate posts.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 95
Total Hours Played: 110
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 80 F, Partly Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Catching up with my ultimate posts.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 95
Total Hours Played: 110
September 8, 2008
Ultimate Summer
Friday September 5, 2008
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 90 F, Sunny, Humid
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Summer returns for our Friday pickup game.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 94
Total Hours Played: 109
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 90 F, Sunny, Humid
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Summer returns for our Friday pickup game.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 94
Total Hours Played: 109
Ultimate Behind
Wednesday September 3, 2008
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 80 F, Mostly Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Oops. I'm falling behind on this again.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 93
Total Hours Played: 108
12PM Pick-up game
Mitre Fields, Burlington, MA
Weather: 80 F, Mostly Sunny
Field: dry
Perfect conditions for Ultimate.
Oops. I'm falling behind on this again.
Ultimate Statistics (since January 2008):
Total Games Played: 93
Total Hours Played: 108
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